Knowledge base.
This is an introduction to a section that defines and explains in short some of the technical things we deal with. It could be longer three line would be nice
BMA Compliance Inspections
When mobilising to a BMA mine site your buildings, plant, equipment and vehicles need to be compliant. This means a BMA Mechanical and Electrical Inspection by an authorised inspector is required. (Glenn to add explanatory note …)
Any reference/document points for this?
Soil Resistivity Testing
Glenn, why do we do this? Is there something electrical that you are looking for and or is this to do with electrical energy or earthing …?
Is this like dial before you dig?
Statutory Compliance
Electrical items in your office, on site, in the workshop and in public spaces must be compliance tested and a record kept. (Glenn to extrapolate …)
Legislative reason?
Thermal Imaging
Is there a safety or legislative reason for doing this?